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8 results found

Lykken, David Thoreson The antisocial personalities

Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1995
Electronic document, DOC

Rogers, Carl R. Client-centered therapy : its current practice, implications and therapy

Constable, 2003
Electronic document, PDF

Buss, David M. Evolutionary psychology : the new science of the mind

Pearson/Allyn and Bacon, 2008
Electronic document, PDF

Handbook of emotion regulation

Guilford Press, 2007
Electronic document, PDF

Handbook of personality : theory and research

Guilford Press, 1990
Electronic document, DOC

Carnegie, Dale Miten saan ystäviä, menestystä, vaikutusvaltaa

Celia, 1984
Sound recording, DAISY 2.02

Miller, William Richard ; Rollnick, Stephen Motivational interviewing : preparing people to change addictive behavior

Guilford Press, 1991
Electronic document, DOC

Kitzinger, Sheila Woman's experience of sex

Penguin Books, 1985
Electronic document, DOC